Wednesday, May 7, 2014

In the begining...

Someone I love very much told me recently that we are fluid. That like water we travel through life always searching for the path of least resistance. We come to damns or barriers along the way that try to stop us from forward progression, yet we find a way through no matter what. Sometimes the water just slowly drips out to the other side, and sometimes it finds a weakness in the obstacle and can burst through with so much force it pours down like a waterfall on to the other side.
I relate this metaphor to my life lately. Six months ago my life changed forever when my marriage of ten years ended. It was almost as if time was standing still for me. Here I was a mother to two beautiful girls only ages 4 and 7. No job. No degree. No money. I was so scared. It is in moments like this that we realize the type of person we truly are. I look back at journal entries (some of which I'll share later with you all so you can get a good laugh in at me) and think…I was definitely the victim there for a while. Oh yes I played the whole “woe is me card”, but somewhere along the line I realized that we are only responsible for our own destiny. We cannot control others and they do not control us. Sometimes it's too easy to place blame on everyone else around us for the terrible happenings in our own life, and we forget to look in the mirror and truly ask ourselves how we contributed to our current circumstance. Well I've had to face that harsh ever judging mirror and in that reflection I started to see myself for who I was and had a desire for a new path. I found an “opening in the damn” and as I begin to tell my story and express my feelings I hope that it only inspires others who have had similar experiences to share theirs or at least find comfort in the fact that they are not alone. I’m a 28 year old mother of two whose life is just beginning! I’ve been given a second chance at life and I’m going to take it. It truly is never too late to have a Happily Ever After.

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